#1 - The Girl on the Train (Paula Hawkins)

Starting a blog is not an easy job. So many things that one could share. I have to admit: choosing a first book to write about was a hard job. However, I decided to start with this one:

The Girl on the Train
by Paula Hawkins

Published: 15th January 2015

Genre: mystery, crime, thriller, fiction

Edition: Paperback

Source: Purchased the book 

Pages: 323

My Rating: 3/5 

Goodreads: 3.89/5 

...the 8.04 slow train from Ashbury to Euston can test the patience of the most seasoned commuter. The journey is supposed to take fifty-four minutes, but it rarely does: this section of the track is ancient, decrepit, beset with signalling problems and never-ending engineering works.
The train crawls along; it judders past warehouses and water towers, bridges and sheds, past modern Victorian houses, their backs turned squarely to the track.
My head leaning against the carriage window, I watch theses houses roll past me like a tracking shot in a film. I see them as others do not; even their owners probably don't see them drom this perspective. Twice a day, I am offered a view into other lives, just for a moment. There's something comforting about the sight of strangers safe at home.

I found this book in January 2016 while waiting for a flight in Heathrow. Bought in a promotion and I can honestly say I was not disappointed. Started reading having no idea that this was a big hit (I was not very updated in books by then) and quickly I finished it.

Really easy to read, for those who like a good crime solving in modern times is a good option. 
Let's not forget that a film was made based on this story. Personally, I have not seen it yet.

The Characters

1. Rachel Watson

She is 32 years old, with a broken marriage (her ex Tom left her for another woman - Anna Watson(.
Unemployed and alcoholic. This habit makes her harass once in a while her ex and also have blackouts. These self-harm habits started also due to being unable to get pregnant.
Rachel has a roommate that has no idea that she has no job. To make her still believe that everything is normal she commutes to London all week, trying to maintain a normal life... and the story begins with these journeys.

2. Tom 

Rachel's ex-husband, remarried to Anna Watson and had a child.  Rachel found this apparently happy family during her trips to London because she could see them through the train's window.

3. Meghan

Meghan is married to Scott who lives close to Tom and Rachel thinks they live in a perfect world. One day Rachel witnesses something that proves their life is not so perfect and one day someone disappears.....

The Plot

The plot is well structured and can keep you interested since page one until the last. Sometimes you may feel it can be a bit predictable but it will not make you give up reading it. You will want to know more and more about the story. On the other hand, some of the social problems are quite actual (alcohol, violence..).

Where the action takes place
The action takes place in the suburbs of London, one of the best cities in the world.

How is it written
English is not my native language. However, I have been living for a while in an English spoken country and for me there were no difficult words on this book. The plot, as I said, makes you feel interested the intire time.

The writting;
The plot;
Tom character.

Honestly, although you want to read until the end, sometimes the story doesn't seem very strongly constructed.
Also, the fact that sometimes the story is a bit predictable.

The price varies if you want to read with a real book or an ebook or audiobook.
Here it goes the different places that i searched:

  • Amazon: paperback £4 to £15.47, kindle £4.99, Audiobook £12.99 
  • Watertones: paperback £6.99 to £7.99, Audiobook £14.99 to £18.98
  • Foyles: paperback £7.99
  • WHSmith: paperback £5.19 to £9.99
  • Kobo: ebook £4.99, audiobook £11

In conclusion
This is a really good book in modern crime/mystery/thriller books and that will make you want to read until the end.
It has some interesting characters and the plot is not the strongest but still very captivating.
It is not a long book and you can read it anywhere and everytime.
There is also the movie, that I personally didn't watch and it is not a priority for me. However if you have any opinion about it feel free to share! 

Did you read this book? What did you think about it? Do you agree with this review or not? Feel free to share with this community!!!

Good readings!!!!

The Book Worm


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